Fostering Deep Learning in Problem-Solving Contexts through Effective Design of Learning Environments with Technology Support Presentations 1. EcoXPT: Learning through Experimentation in an Immersive Virtual Ecosystem Chris Dede, Tina Grotzer, Shari Metcalf, Amy Kamarainen, Shane Tutwiler, Harvard University, USA
2. Fostering Deep Learning in Middle School Design-Based Science: Findings, Challenges and Recommendations from Two Studies
Sharon J. Derry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Mary Leonard, Montana State University, USA Janice Anderson, Kelly Barber-Lester, Lana Minshew, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
3. Scaffolding Problem Solving with Mobile Devices in an Outdoor Environment Gi Woong Choi, Susan M. Land, and Heather Toomey Zimmerman, Pennsylvania State University, USA
4. Embodiment and Framing: Key Pieces of Deep Learning in One Student Interview Andrea Gomoll, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Selma Šabanović, Matthew Francisco, Indiana University, USA
5. Supporting Deep Learning in Complex Problem-Solving Contexts through Process Visualization and Adaptive Feedback Minhong Wang, Bei Yuan, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Andre Kushniruk, University of Victoria, Canada Paul A. Kirschner, Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands
6. Enhancing Learning Environments to Foster Self-Regulated Learning in Problem-Based Learning Programs Sanne Rovers, Geraldine Clarebout, Jeroen J. G. van Merrienboer, Maastricht University, Netherlands
7. Learners’ Deep and Surface Processing of Instructor’s Feedback: Motivational and Epistemological Perspectives Kun Huang, Mississippi State University, USA Xun Ge, The University of Oklahoma, USA Victor Law, The University of New Mexico, USA
8. Reflective Structuration of Sustained Deep Inquiry in a Grade 5 Classroom Dan Tao, Jianwei Zhang, University at Albany - SUNY, USA
9. Deeper Learning through Conflict Resolution or Stubborn Resistance to Change? Weichao Chen, University of Virginia, USA Carla Allen, David Jonassen, University of Missouri, USA