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    全球華人計算機教育應用大會 2012

    Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) 2012




    Date & Venue: May 28 to June 1, 2012; Kenting, Taiwan



    Sub-Conference of Technology in Higher Education and Human Performance (CFP)



            21世紀是全球經濟環境快速變遷,知識半衰期急遽縮短的新世代。高等教育、企業、政府等機構能否贏得競爭、持續發展,關鍵在於能否準確掌握環境脈動,快捷有效地培養學生或員工的自主學習能力、更新知識,提昇人力素質。過去十年,許多學校、社教機構、公物部門、企業紛紛導入數位學習與培訓,作為學習、培訓與知識管理的平台,藉以拓展學習環境、提昇人力績效。學術界和調查研究機構如 IDC、Brand-Hall 、McGraw-hill、MIC等等,也先後提出報告指出數位學習與培訓對於學校、社教機構、公物部門、企業發展的重要性。



           Globalization and the dynamics of economic changes have forced institutions and organizations to search for new ways to strengthening their competitive advantages. In doing so, improvement of learning and human performance for sustainable development has been recognized as a core approach. Learners including students in educational institutions and employees or knowledge workers in various organizations and communities should be supported with opportunities and capabilities for self-directed and life-long learning. In recent years, technology-enhanced learning and training have been increasingly applied to universities, corporations, governments and communities to extend existing learning environments and approaches, as reported by academic institutions and research organizations such as IDC, Brand-Hall, McGraw-hill, and MIC.

            While implementing technology-enhanced learning, a variety of aspects should be taken into account such as learning and instructional theories, educational technology, curriculum development, knowledge management, performance evaluation, human resource development, management strategies, and organizational culture. Intensive collaborations among scholars and practitioners are required for enhancing the research and practices in technology-enhanced higher education and human performance. This sub-conference aims to simulate more investigations and discussions on this theme. It provides a forum for academics and practitioners to explore issues related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of technologies for higher education and human performance as well as their educational or organizational impacts and economic issues.






    E-learning in higher education


     E-learning for continuing education


    Distance education and lifelong learning


    Computer-supported self-directed learning


     Instructional design in e-learning


     Knowledge management and e-learning


    E-learning/E-training in various organizations and communities


     Case study and best practice of e-learning


     Web-based corporate training


     E-learning and human performance


    E-learning and human resource development


     Evaluation of online learning performance


    Online learning environments and tools


     Online curriculum development



     Important dates:


    (Note: Contributions should be written in English or in Chinese. We only accept full papers.)



    Best papers will be invited to submit extended versions (in English) to special issues of the following international journal: Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)




    Submission period:

    October 28 (Friday) – December 2 (Friday), 2011

    When submitting the papers, please select eight pages for a long paper, four pages for a short paper, and two pages for a poster.



    Online submission:




     Notification of acceptance: February 17 (Friday), 2012



     Final paper deadline: March 9 (Friday), 2012. The papers shall be modified according to review comments.



     Registration deadline: April 20 (Friday), 2012



    Sub-Conference Chair:


    王敏紅, 香港大學

    Wang, Minhong (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)



    Sub-Conference Vice Chair:


    張基成, 國立臺灣師範大學

     Chang, Chi-Cheng (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)



    Program members:


     謝幼如, 華南師範大學

     Xie, Youru (South China Normal University, China )

     陳年興, 國立中山大學

     Chen, Nian-Shing (National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan)

     柯清超, 華南師範大學

    Ke, Qingchao (South China Normal University, China )

    葛迅, 奧克拉荷馬大學

    Ge, Xun (The University of Oklahoma, USA)

    黎鶴賢, 香港大學

    Lai, Jean H.Y. (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    卓偉儀, 英國花旗銀行

    Cheuk, Bonnie (Citi, Global Transaction services., UK)

    朱啓榮, 中華基督教會協和書院

    Chu, Kai Wing (CCC Heep Woh College, Hong Kong)

    賈積有, 北京大學

    Jia, Jiyou (Peking University, China)

     李建心, 國立中央大學

     Lee, Chien-Sing (National Central University, Taiwan)

    楊鎮華, 國立中央大學

     Yang, Stephen J.H. (National Central University, Taiwan )

    宋燕捷, 南洋理工大學

    Song, Yanjie (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

    岳修平, 國立臺灣大學

    Yueh, Hsiu-Ping (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

     林立傑, 資策會數位教育研究所

     Lin, Li-chieh (Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan)

    周斯畏, 國立高雄第一科技大學

    Chou, Shih-Wei (National Kaohsiung First University of Science of Technology, Taiwan)

    計惠卿, 國立新竹教育大學

    Jih, Hueyching (National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan)

    梁朝雲, 元智大學

     Liang, Chaoyun (Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)

    周保男, 國立臺南大學

    Chou, Pao-Nan (National University of Tainan, Taiwan)

    陳姿伶, 國立中興大學

    Chen, Tzy-Ling (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)

    陳雅玲, 國立彰化師範大學

    Chen, Irene Y.L. (National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan)

     廖遠光, 國立台灣師範大學

     Liao, Yuen-kuang (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)

     冉維佳, 紐約州立大學-奧本尼分校

     Ran,Weijia (State University of New York at Albany, USA)

    楊翊, 富蘭克林大學

    Yang, Yi (Franklin University, USA)

    廖劍, 西南大學

     Liao, Jian (Southwest University, China)

    張珂, 偉恩州立大學

    Zhang, Ke (Wayne State university, USA)

    洪瑞隆, 博伊西州立大學

     Hung, Jui-long (Boise State University, USA)

    張義兵, 南京師範大學

    Zhang, Yibing (Nanjing Normal University, China )

     郭紹青, 西北師範大學

    Guo, Jiong (Northwest Normal University, China )

     郭炯, 西北師範大學

     Guo, Shaoqing (Northwest Normal University, China )

    王楓, 聖瑪麗山學院

    Wang, Feng (Mount Saint Mary College, USA)

    杜松華, 香港理工大學

    Du, Helen S. (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

    劉曉鏡, 印第安那大學

    Liu, Xiaojing (Indiana University, USA)

    麥啟彬, 香港城市大學

     Mark, Kai-Pan (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    彭明輝, 香港大學

     Pang, Ming Fai (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    陳苑茵, 香港中文大學

    Chan, Rosanna Y.Y. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

    石敏, 普華永道中天會計師事務所有限公司

    Shi, Min (PricewaterhouseCoopers, China)

    沈漪文, 浙江師範大學

     Shen, Yiwen (Zhejiang Normal University, China)